Namib Mills is a proudly Namibian company that specialises in producing high quality wheat and maize meal products. The company is also active in rice and sugar packaging, mahangu milling and pasta manufacturing.
Founded in 1981 when a maize mill was established in Windhoek, Namib Mills grew into Namibia’s leading supplier of staple foods. Its main production facility in Windhoek consists of a wheat and maize mill, a pasta plant and a sugar packaging plant.
In Otavi, the company operates a maize and mahangu mill, while a maize mill in Katima Mulilo to the north supplies the Caprivi region. It has achieved ISO 9001 and ISO 9002 certification, whilst working towards HACCP accreditation.
Voermeester, as well as NPI (Namib Poultry Industries) form part of the Namib Mills Group of Companies. Voermeester, based in Windhoek, is the leading animal feed manufacturer and distributor in Namibia, and was founded in 1981.