The idea of Namibia Plastics was conceived around a fire in 2010, when two friends, Wernich Meyer and Johan Struwig celebrated New Year’s.
In the beginning, Namibia Plastics operated on a shoestring budget with only two assets: a cell phone and a laptop.
With the belief that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, we have been very fortunate to meet, befriend and work with many special people who helped us become a “bankable” business with branches in Windhoek and Walvis Bay.
Since conception our strategy has remained the same and today Namibia Plastics is a multi-million dollar business with its sights set on even greater things. We strive to grow a distribution business until it becomes viable to invest in the manufacturing of plastic products locally.
We supply flexible plastic products to the following industries;
• Packaging
• Construction
• Agriculture
• Geosynthetics
At Namibia Plastics we are passionate about what we do and have fun at the same time!
Hence our slogan, “Beyond success to significance”.