Hunt for the RARE FINDS or PRELOVED QUALITY ITEMS at affordable prices or sell what you do not need anymore! We also welcome donations of your previously loved items.
By giving preloved items the opportunity to find a new home, to be cherished once more or to be used for the first time, we are contributing to a sustainable way of living. Our aim is to keep as many products / items from being send to landfills, being forgotten while stored in boxes somewhere and not being used.
Three reasons that leave us with too many things in our homes and our lives:
the ever increasing waste created through the ever increasing manufacturing of new products, in many cases using finite resources
stuff which has accumulated throughout generations and the problem that so many of us face of not knowing what to do with all these items and often not being able to let got of same
the ever increasing marketing campaigns way to often successfully convincing us to accumulate more and more each day, never reaching the point of enough
Household items, Décor, Silverware, Crockery and Glassware
Children's Books, CDs, DVDs, Toys, Puzzles and Games
Stationery, Art and Craft Supply
Visit us in McAdam Street, Grüner Kranz Complex, Southern Industrial Area (next to Obeco Lifestyle Centre) for a unique shopping experience every single time and follow us on Instagram and Facebook